Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 4, 2013

Fried Chicken Wings with Garlic Recipe (Cánh Gà Chiên Tỏi)

Do you love chicken? If you say yes, follow one of my Vietnamese Chicken Recipes below and give the final decision which food you should cook today. It is called Fried Chicken Wings with Garlic (Cánh Gà Chiên Tỏi). Serving with soya sauce and boiled rice is my favorite. However, you also can use it like a snack meal.
Fried Chicken Wings with Garlic Recipe (Cánh Gà Chiên Tỏi)
Fried Chicken Wings with Garlic Recipe (Cánh Gà Chiên Tỏi)
The crispy skin of chicken will help you have a good appetite when eating. When you do want to cook one of stunning Vietnamese Chicken Recipes like this one, please follow my recipe below carefully.


300g chicken wings
50g tapioca starch
Fish sauce, salt, pepper, sugar


Step 1: Clean chicken wings in water added a little salt in 2 – 3 times. Cut in half, soak into cold water added a little salt. Next, soak in hot water about 2 – 3 minutes to reduce all dirties. Put on basket to get dry.

Fried Chicken Wings with Garlic Recipe (Cánh Gà Chiên Tỏi)
Step 2: Cut some lines on skin of chicken wings. Marinate with ½ teaspoon + ½ teaspoon sugar + 1 teaspoon fish sauce + a little pepper, mix well and wait in 2 – 3 hours. If you want to cook one of deliciousVietnamese Chicken Recipes, you should wait more than 3 hours.
Fried Chicken Wings with Garlic Recipe (Cánh Gà Chiên Tỏi)

Click Fried Chicken Wings with Garlic Recipe (Cánh Gà Chiên Tỏi) to see more


Mixture Boiled Pork Tongue with Lemon Leaves Recipe (Lưỡi Lợn Trộn Lá Chanh)

Mixture Boiled Pork Tongue with Lemon Leaves (Lưỡi Lợn Trộn Lá Chanh) comes from many stunningVietnamese Pork Recipes. The specific flavor from lemon leaves, green chilies and pork tongue will create a fantastic flavor when chewing. Serving with boiled rice or snack meal is all great choices.
Mixture Boiled Pork Tongue with Lemon Leaves Recipe (Lưỡi Lợn Trộn Lá Chanh)
Mixture Boiled Pork Tongue with Lemon Leaves Recipe (Lưỡi Lợn Trộn Lá Chanh)
Together create something news for your family meals is a good way to show how much you care and love them. When you are ready to cook one of stunning Vietnamese Pork Recipes, please follow my instruction below and let us start together right now.


1 pork tongue
4 – 5 young lemon leaves
3 – 4 old lemon leaves
Salt, sugar, lemon/lime, fish sauce
Chili powder/chili sauce.


Step 1: Clean well pork tongue in water added a little salt. Next, soak into hot water to reduce all dirties. Use knife to shave well skin of tongue.

Mixture Boiled Pork Tongue with Lemon Leaves Recipe (Lưỡi Lợn Trộn Lá Chanh)
Step 2: Bring pork tongue to boil. Make sure water will cover all faces of tongue and remember you should add some old lemon leaves when boiling. Here is also the important step to create the flavor for one of stunning Vietnamese Pork Recipes.

Step 3: When it is cooked, slice into long pieces. Clean and slice young lemon leaves small.

Mixture Boiled Pork Tongue with Lemon Leaves Recipe (Lưỡi Lợn Trộn Lá Chanh)

Click Mixture Boiled Pork Tongue with Lemon Leaves Recipe (Lưỡi Lợn Trộn Lá Chanh) to see more


Stewed Basa Fish with Green Chili Recipe (Cá Basa Kho Ớt Xanh)

Fish meat is not only tasty, but also really good for health. Today, from many stunning Vietnamese Fish Recipes, I want to introduce Stewed Basa Fish with Green Chili (Cá Basa Kho Ớt Xanh) for all you guys. A great way to enjoy this food is serving with boiled rice. If you are a gourmet about Vietnamese Food, this way is perfect choice.
Stewed Basa Fish with Green Chili Recipe (Cá Basa Kho Ớt Xanh)
Stewed Basa Fish with Green Chili Recipe (Cá Basa Kho Ớt Xanh)
So, are you ready to discover one of stunning Vietnamese Fish Recipes like this one with us? If you want to warm up the relationship between all members in family, I think you should choose this recipe. In cold water, green chilies will keep you warmer and have a good appetite.


250g basa fish
3 – 4 green chilies
Chili powder
Fish sauce, oil, spring onion, purple onion, pepper
20g brown sugar


Step 1: Clean well sliced fish with water added a little salt in 2 – 3 times. Spread 1 teaspoon salt around fish’s skin, wait about 30 minutes.

Stewed Basa Fish with Green Chili Recipe (Cá Basa Kho Ớt Xanh)
Step 2: Clean green chilies, slice into circle shapes.
Stewed Basa Fish with Green Chili Recipe (Cá Basa Kho Ớt Xanh)

Click Stewed Basa Fish with Green Chili Recipe (Cá Basa Kho Ớt Xanh) to see more


Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 4, 2013

Shrimp and Crab Meat Soup Recipe (Súp Cua Tôm)

When we mention about street food in Vietnam, we cannot skip Shrimp and Crab Meat Soup (Súp Cua Tôm) which comes from many stunning Vietnamese Dish Recipes. I usually choose this food for my breakfast. Adding more soya sauce, chili paste, sliced coriander and sesame oil is perfect. Trust me; you will totally fall in love with it from the first tasting time.
Shrimp and Crab Meat Soup Recipe (Súp Cua Tôm)
Shrimp and Crab Meat Soup Recipe (Súp Cua Tôm)
So, are you ready to discover one of stunning Vietnamese Dish Recipes like this one with me? You can cook it for your snack meal, especially for your kids. When you are ready, please follow my instruction below carefully and let us start together cooking right now.


1,7l pork broth or chicken broth, salt, Magi’s stuff
1 bowl of shrimps, peeled and cleaned
1 bowl of crab meat
1 bowl corn seeds
1 bowl green bean
2 chicken eggs, stirred well
6 tablespoons tapioca starch + 6 tablespoons water
Boiled quail eggs (Optional)
Pepper, coriander.


Step 1: Boil the broth with medium heat. Next, add one by one shrimps, crab, corn seeds, quail eggs, green bean into pot and cook until they are cooked. Season to suit your flavor.

Shrimp and Crab Meat Soup Recipe (Súp Cua Tôm)
Step 2: When they all are cooked, pour mixture tapioca + water into pot and stir well. When pouring, do not stop stirring. Here is the important step to create one of stunning Vietnamese Dish Recipes.
Shrimp and Crab Meat Soup Recipe (Súp Cua Tôm)

Click Shrimp and Crab Meat Soup Recipe (Súp Cua Tôm) to see more


Roasted Crab with Tamarind Sauce Recipe (Cua Rang Me)

One of popular Vietnamese Food Recipein Vietnam is Roasted Crab with Tamarind Sauce (Cua Rang Me). Eating with bread or boiled rice is all delicious. Trust me; you will totally fall in love with this dish. You should choose fresh crab to create a stunning flavor from this one. Moreover, crab is quite cheap in Vietnam, especially in its season.
Roasted Crab with Tamarind Sauce Recipe (Cua Rang Me)
Roasted Crab with Tamarind Sauce Recipe (Cua Rang Me)
So, are you ready to discover one of stunning Vietnamese Food Recipes with us? Cooking it in weekend, especially for your party is perfect decision. And when you are ready, please follow my instruction below carefully and let us start cooking right now.


3 big fresh crabs
1 fresh tamarind (100g)
Fish sauce, salt, sugar
Chili powder
Spring onion.


Step 1: Clean crab carefully, cut in half (do not throw anything from these crabs, especially their eggs). Heat the oil (2 – 3 teaspoons), fry crab with large heat until they turn yellow. Put on plate added paper napkin to absorb wasted oil.

Roasted Crab with Tamarind Sauce Recipe (Cua Rang Me)

Roasted Crab with Tamarind Sauce Recipe (Cua Rang Me)

Click Roasted Crab with Tamarind Sauce Recipe (Cua Rang Me) to see more


Potato Soup with Meat Balls Recipes (Canh Khoai Tây Thịt Viên)

Potato Soup with Meat Balls (Canh Khoai Tây Thịt Viên) which comes from many amazingVietnamese Soup Recipes is my choice today. Eating with boiled rice when it is hot is perfect. The combination between potato and pork meat will help you get a good appetite.
Potato Soup with Meat Balls Recipes (Canh Khoai Tây Thịt Viên)
Potato Soup with Meat Balls Recipes (Canh Khoai Tây Thịt Viên)
Are you getting bored with old recipes for cooking soup? If you want, please follow my instruction below carefully to create one of amazing Vietnamese Soup Recipes for yourself and family. Let us start cooking right now, ok?


1 potato (medium size)
1 tomato
200g grinded pork
Spring onion, coriander, parsley, salt, Magi’s stuff, fish sauce, pepper, purple onion


Step 1: Marinate grinded pork with a little pepper, salt and sliced purple onion, mix well and wait about 15 – 20 minutes.

Potato Soup with Meat Balls Recipes (Canh Khoai Tây Thịt Viên)
Step 2: Clean and slice tomato into fiber.
Potato Soup with Meat Balls Recipes (Canh Khoai Tây Thịt Viên)
Step 3: Peel off the cover of tomato, clean and slice into circle shapes. Soak into water added a little salt about 10 minutes. Next, put on basket and wait to dry.
Potato Soup with Meat Balls Recipes (Canh Khoai Tây Thịt Viên)

Click Potato Soup with Meat Balls Recipes (Canh Khoai Tây Thịt Viên) to see more


Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 4, 2013

Fried Chicken Paste with Soya Bean Recipe (Chạo Gà Đậu Nành)

Are you getting bored the old ways to cook chicken? From many delicious Vietnamese Chicken Recipes, I want to introduce Fried Chicken Paste with Soya Bean (Chạo Gà Đậu Nành) to all you guys today. It is not only tasty, but also good for healthy. A little change when we combine chicken with soya bean will create a fantastic flavor when eating.
Fried Chicken Paste with Soya Bean Recipe (Chạo Gà Đậu Nành)
Fried Chicken Paste with Soya Bean Recipe (Chạo Gà Đậu Nành)
Trust me; you will not regret about this decision. If you want to discover one of stunning Vietnamese Chicken Recipes like this one, please follow my instruction below carefully and let us start cooking right now.


250g grinded chicken
200g soya bean residue (soya bean after grinded and reduce all water)
2 tablespoons tapioca starch
1 chicken egg
1 – 2 brand spring onion, purple onion
Salt, pepper, sugar, coriander, soya sauce, oyster oil
Palm sugar syrup: 1 small brand ginger, 2 balls palm sugar.


Step 1: Clean spring onion and slice small. Peel off the cover of purple onion, slice small.

Fried Chicken Paste with Soya Bean Recipe (Chạo Gà Đậu Nành)
Step 2: Spread out all water from grinded soya bean.
Fried Chicken Paste with Soya Bean Recipe (Chạo Gà Đậu Nành)
Step 3: Mix grinded chicken with soya bean residue, egg, tapioca starch, 1 teaspoon salt, a little pepper together.
Fried Chicken Paste with Soya Bean Recipe (Chạo Gà Đậu Nành)

Click Fried Chicken Paste with Soya Bean Recipe (Chạo Gà Đậu Nành) to see more


Grilled Snails with Salt and Chili Recipe (Ốc Nướng Muối Ớt)

One of my favorite Vietnamese Food Recipes in weekend is Grilled Snails with Salt and Chili (Ốc Nướng Muối Ớt). Even we have many to cook snails, but in my opinion, grilling process is the best choice. The sweetness from snails is combined with spices will create a spectacular flavor in your mouth. In Vietnam, seafood, including snails is the most popular food of young people.
Grilled Snails with Salt and Chili Recipe (Ốc Nướng Muối Ớt)
Grilled Snails with Salt and Chili Recipe (Ốc Nướng Muối Ớt)
So, are you ready to discover one of stunning Vietnamese Food Recipes like this one with us? Trust me; you will not regret with this choice. When you are ready, please follow my instruction below carefully and let us start together cook it right now.


1lg sweet snails (or any snail you want)
Sea salt, sugar, lemon, chili, pepper, Magi’s stuff, pepper
Vietnamese mint herb.


Step 1: Clean snails carefully in 2 – 3 times with water added a little salt. Next, soak them into cold water added some sliced chili in 5 – 6 hours. Then, clean again in fresh water, wait to get dry.

Grilled Snails with Salt and Chili Recipe (Ốc Nướng Muối Ớt)
Step 2: Mix 2 teaspoons sea salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, ½ teaspoon Magi’s stuff, 1 teaspoon oil and a little chili powder together.
Grilled Snails with Salt and Chili Recipe (Ốc Nướng Muối Ớt)

Click Grilled Snails with Salt and Chili Recipe (Ốc Nướng Muối Ớt) to see more


Stir-fried Beef with Scallop and Asparagus (Bò Xào Sò Điệp với Măng Tây)

From many Easy Vietnamese Recipes, today I would like to introduce one stunning dish for all you guys. It is called Stir-fried Beef with Scallop and Asparagus (Bò Xào Sò Điệp với Măng Tây). It is not only simple, but also really tasty and healthy. Beef, scallop and asparagus are combined together will create a fantastic flavor when chewing.
Stir-fried Beef with Scallop and Asparagus (Bò Xào Sò Điệp với Măng Tây)
Stir-fried Beef with Scallop and Asparagus (Bò Xào Sò Điệp với Măng Tây)
In my opinion, eating with boiled rice is a great idea. How about you? Share the way you enjoy one ofEasy Vietnamese Recipes with us if you feel free. Now, let us together start cooking, ok?


200g asparagus
200g sliced beef
150g scallop
Garlic, purple onion, coriander, spring onion, salt, Magi’s stuff, fish sauce
Ginger, white wine (rice wine).


Step 1: Clean well asparagus, cut off the harsh parts; slice into short pieces.

Stir-fried Beef with Scallop and Asparagus (Bò Xào Sò Điệp với Măng Tây)
Step 2: Clean beef and marinate with ½ teaspoon salt, a little oyster oil, mix well and wait in 15 minutes.
Stir-fried Beef with Scallop and Asparagus (Bò Xào Sò Điệp với Măng Tây)

Click Stir-fried Beef with Scallop and Asparagus (Bò Xào Sò Điệp với Măng Tây) to see more


Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 4, 2013

Cassava Juice with Lemon Recipe (Nước Sắn Dây Chanh)

One of fresh and Easy Vietnamese Recipes which I want to introduce today is Cassava Juice with Lemon (Nước Sắn Dây Chanh). Adding a little lime into cassava juice will help to increase the flavor for this drink. In summer time, you can create this drink and enjoy with family and friends. Trust me; it is not only fresh, but also really healthy, especially for your face skin.
Cassava Juice with Lemon Recipe (Nước Sắn Dây Chanh)
Cassava Juice with Lemon Recipe (Nước Sắn Dây Chanh)
Are you ready to create one of amazing and Easy Vietnamese Recipes with us? You can save much time for making this one. When you are ready, please follow my instruction below and let us start together right now.


½ bowl cassava flour
1 tablespoon sugar
½ lime or lemon


Step 1: Mix cassava flour with 300ml cold water. Stir well.

Cassava Juice with Lemon Recipe (Nước Sắn Dây Chanh)
Step 2: Add more sugar into this mixture. From many experiences when making one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes like this one, you usually filter this mixture before adding lime juice.
Cassava Juice with Lemon Recipe (Nước Sắn Dây Chanh)

Click Cassava Juice with Lemon Recipe (Nước Sắn Dây Chanh) to see more


Stewed Tofu with Salty Vegetables Recipe (Đậu Hũ Om Dưa Chua)

With a little change from normal ingredients like tofu and salty vegetables, you can create one of stunningVietnamese Food Recipes. And this dish is called Stewed Tofu with Salty Vegetables (Đậu Hũ Om Dưa Chua). Moreover, it is combined with sour and spicy sauce which will help to increase the specific flavor in your mouth. Eating with boiled rice and hot soup is my recommendation.
Stewed Tofu with Salty Vegetables Recipe (Đậu Hũ Om Dưa Chua)
Stewed Tofu with Salty Vegetables Recipe (Đậu Hũ Om Dưa Chua)
So, are you ready to cook one of amazing Vietnamese Food Recipes like this one with us? If you say yes, please follow my instruction below carefully. Summer is coming soon, and this dish is really suitable for your family meal. Let us together start cooking right now.


1 – 2 slices tofu
200g grinded pork
200g salty vegetable (Dưa chua) – Buy at Vietnamese markets
1 tablespoon Korean Chili Sauce
Salt, sugar, fish sauce, purple onion, spring onion


Step 1: Marinate grinded pork with 1 teaspoon salt, a little pepper and minced purple onion. Mix well and wait in 10 – 20 minutes.

Stewed Tofu with Salty Vegetables Recipe (Đậu Hũ Om Dưa Chua)
Step 2: Cut off the leaves of salty vegetables. Slice small and wash many times with water.
Stewed Tofu with Salty Vegetables Recipe (Đậu Hũ Om Dưa Chua)

Click Stewed Tofu with Salty Vegetables Recipe (Đậu Hũ Om Dưa Chua) to see more


Stir-fried Jack Fruit with Mussel Recipe (Mít Xào Hến)

Have you ever tried to combine jack fruit with mussel before? Today, I will create something new from many amazing Vietnamese Dish Recipes. It is called Stir-fried Jack Fruit with Mussel (Mít Xào Hến). It originally comes from the Middle area, Vietnam. With this dish, you can create a fantastic meal for your beloved family.
Stir-fried Jack Fruit with Mussel Recipe (Mít Xào Hến)
Stir-fried Jack Fruit with Mussel Recipe (Mít Xào Hến)
In my opinion, eating with boiled rice is the best way to enjoy the true flavor of Vietnamese meal. How do you feel? Are you ready to cook one of stunning Vietnamese Dish Recipes like this one right now with us? Please follow my instruction below carefully and let us start together, ok?


150g mussel (Hến) – Buy at Vietnamese markets
100g young fresh jack fruit
Fish sauce, salt, Magi’s stuff, chili powder
Vietnamese mint herb, basil leaves, spring onion
Rice pancake (Bánh đa) or Deep fried shrimp cake (Bánh phồng tôm)
Roasted peanut
Purple onion


Step 1: Clean mussel in cold water with many times. Pour to basket and wait to get dry.

Stir-fried Jack Fruit with Mussel Recipe (Mít Xào Hến)
Step 2: Clean and slice small Vietnamese mint herb, basil leaves, spring onion

Step 3: Clean and slice into medium pieces jack fruit.

Stir-fried Jack Fruit with Mussel Recipe (Mít Xào Hến)

Click Stir-fried Jack Fruit with Mussel Recipe (Mít Xào Hến) to see more


Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 4, 2013

Boiled Okra with Soya Cheese Recipe (Đậu Bắp Luộc với Chao)

Boiled Okra with Soya Cheese (Đậu Bắp Luộc với Chao) which comes from many Easy Vietnamese Recipes is not only cheap, but also really tasty when you combine with soya cheese and boiled rice. This dish also is my mom’s favorite. Moreover, as my mom usually told me, okra really is good for skin and bones, especially for women. If you want to protect your family health and yourself, make this dish right now.
Boiled Okra with Soya Cheese Recipe (Đậu Bắp Luộc với Chao)
So, are you ready to discover one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes like this one with us? Do you remember our slogan? Eat well, live well is the great way for living. Now, if you want to cook, please follow my instruction below carefully.


200g okra (lady finger)

Boiled Okra with Soya Cheese Recipe (Đậu Bắp Luộc với Chao)
3 soya cheese


Step 1: Clean well okra, cut off the roots.

Boiled Okra with Soya Cheese Recipe (Đậu Bắp Luộc với Chao)
Step 2: Boil water and bring okra to boil in 3 – 4 minutes. Put on basket to dry. Do not boil too long, okra will not be good any more. Here is also the important step to create one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes.

Click Boiled Okra with Soya Cheese Recipe (Đậu Bắp Luộc với Chao) to see more


Beef in Lemon Juice Recipe (Bò Tái Chanh)

One of my favorite Vietnamese Food Recipes in these days is Beef in Lemon Juice (Bò Tái Chanh). Eating with vegetables is the perfect way to enjoy. Moreover, you also can eat with boiled rice. They all bring a stunning flavor in your mouth. My mouth is full water right now when thinking about its flavor.
Beef in Lemon Juice Recipe (Bò Tái Chanh)
Beef in Lemon Juice Recipe (Bò Tái Chanh)
How do you feel? Are you curious how to cook one of stunning Vietnamese Food Recipes like this one? When you are ready, please follow my instruction below and let us together start to make this dish right now.


300g beef
Carrot, lotus roots
Fish sauce, sliced chili, coriander
Purple onion
Deep fried shrimp cakes (Bánh Phồng Tôm) – Buy at Vietnamese Markets
Lemon juice, fish sauce, salt, Magi’s stuff, pepper


Step 1: Clean beef meat. Marinate with a little salt, Magi’s stuff, pepper, mix well and put in fridge about 1 hour.

Beef in Lemon Juice Recipe (Bò Tái Chanh)
Step 1: Peel off the cover of carrot, clean with lotus roots. Next, slice thinly and soak in mixture vinegar + sugar.

Step 2: Boil water, soak sliced beef quickly about 3 – 4 minutes. In my experiences for making one of stunning Vietnamese Food Recipes like this one, you can add lemon juice instead of boiling water on beef meat to have a rare meat.

Click Beef in Lemon Juice Recipe (Bò Tái Chanh) too see more
